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Tax benefit in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2024-10-21Updated:2024-10-21
Similar words: benefitnet benefitbenefit frombenefit valuedeath benefitwelfare benefitsdeath benefitsbenefit societyMeaning: n. a tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage a particular type of commercial activity. 
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1 Both dealers and auction houses favour the tax benefit.
2 A key fact about the tax benefit welfare state is that those on the highest incomes gain most.
3 The taper for withdrawing council tax benefit is much steeper.
4 The tax benefit for married couples varies.
5 Tax policy research for tax benefit purpose.
6 In addition, no future tax benefit has been calculated.
7 Debt financing has leverage effect and tax benefit.
8 The Canada Child Tax Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18.
9 One is the tax benefit and the other is the insurance of your life.
10 You get tax benefit on the investment in life insurance.
11 In order to develop circulation economy,( tax benefit and governmental support are needed.
12 Their tax benefit of debt accounts for about 4.82% of the company value when they could add 6.36% to the company value by levering up to the kink.
13 Millions of householders are eligible to claim the new council tax benefit.
14 If you fall into this category and have a low income, you may be entitled to Poll Tax Benefit.
15 If you are currently receiving a Rate rebate you will automatically be assessed for Poll Tax Benefit.
16 Economists and others have floated the idea of legally compensating donors, financially and in other ways, such as offering lifetime health insurance or a tax benefit.
17 Chartered booked a net loss of $39.4 million including a tax benefit in the second quarter, marking its fourth straight quarterly loss.
18 However, if you were planning to get some sort of elective surgery or buy a Honda hybrid, for instance, it may be reasonable to move up your schedule for the tax benefit.
19 The firm, which is the former insurance arm of Fortis, said inflows surged 22% in the first half of the year, though profit was down after it booked a big tax benefit a year earlier.
20 First-quarter 2011 results included stock-based compensation expense of $347,000, and an income tax benefit of $1.4 million.
21 In order to receive more than the minimum rate of Family Tax Benefit A, single mothers are required to nominate and seek child support from the child's father.
22 However, they do not examine the impact of changes in the tax benefit on leverage or the relation between the tax benefits and the choice of debt and equity financing.
23 That's sending major indexes lower on the final day of trading as investors lock in gains, or sell underperforming stocks to reap a tax benefit.
24 Projects with exemption of rent do not enjoy preferential tax policies, and the tax benefit unit is responsible for the payments of rents.
25 The bank also said it would record a one-time tax benefit of $180 million, or 36 cents per share, because of restructuring non-U.S. assets.
26 Nike posts a 51% rise in quarterly profit, boosted by strong revenue growth and a one-time tax benefit.
More similar words: benefitnet benefitbenefit frombenefit valuedeath benefitwelfare benefitsdeath benefitsbenefit societyfor the benefit offringe benefitcost and benefitfringe benefitspublic benefitsocial benefitbenefit concertmedical benefithousing benefitpension benefitssickness benefitemployee benefitseconomic benefitbenefit principlemarginal benefitsexternal benefitscost-benefit ratiodisability benefitretirement benefitcost-benefit analysisbenefit-cost analysissupplementary benefit
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